Porcelain inlays at brisbane smile boutique

Brisbane Smile Boutique in Spring Hill, Brisbane, are able to create custom made porcelain inlays to restore damaged teeth in the strongest way possible, among other advanced dental treatments. At the helm of this boutique dental practice are experienced female dentists, Dr. Leila Haywood and Dr. Rachel Chamberlain, who bring over two decades of expertise in aesthetic dentistry to their patients.

Porcelain inlays at Brisbane Smile Boutique are placed because they are a blend aesthetic appeal and functional superiority. These restorations, designed with cutting-edge technology and crafted by master ceramists in Australia, offer a seamless and biocompatible solution to tooth restoration. The process involves advanced digital scanning technology for precise imaging and a meticulous two-week laboratory phase to custom-make the inlay or onlay to match the patient's natural teeth. This approach not only ensures a perfect fit but also enhances the strength, durability, and appearance of the tooth with a natural, stain-free finish.

Our clinic's dedication to dental innovation is evident through its utilisation of state-of-the-art technology, including digital radiographs, 3D scanning, and computer-generated restorations, ensuring that treatment outcomes are of the highest standard. Our dental services span a comprehensive range of aesthetic dentistry, supported by a commitment to personalised care and excellence.

Drs Haywood and Chamberlain are known for their technical proficiency and for their compassionate approach to patient care. Their extensive training and keen eye for detail allow them to deliver tailored treatments using the latest advancements in dentistry. Brisbane Smile Boutique Dentists has been built on a foundation of trust, expertise, and a deep understanding of the transformative power of a smile.

The difference between a porcelain inlay and onlay

Porcelain inlays and onlays are dental restorations used to mend decayed or damaged teeth, each serving a unique function and covering distinct areas of the tooth.

Inlays are crafted to fit within the cusps—the top projections of a tooth—and are utilised primarily when the damage is limited and doesn't encompass the whole biting surface. Onlays, conversely, cover a broader area, extending over one or more cusps. Both are made from porcelain, offering durability and a natural look that blends seamlessly with the tooth's original colour.