At Brisbane Smile Boutique in Spring Hill, Dr. Leila Haywood and Dr. Jess Dang offer a comprehensive 3D digital smile design simulation service. This cutting-edge technology allows patients to preview their new smile before any treatment begins. During the test drive of a smile design, the team uses advanced software to create a digital mock-up of the patient's ideal smile. This simulation helps patients visualise the potential outcomes and make informed decisions about their dental treatments. Dr. Leila Haywood and Dr. Jess Dang's expertise ensures that each smile design is customised to enhance the patient's natural beauty and facial harmony.


The process of test driving a smile design for porcelain veneers or a smile rehabilitation with a digital mock-up at Brisbane Smile Boutique starts with a complimentary Initial Consultation

1. Assessment: Dr. Leila Haywood or Dr. Jess Dang conducts a thorough dental examination to understand the patient's oral health and aesthetic goals.

2. Photography and digital scans: High-quality photographs and digital impressions of the patient's current smile are taken.

Digital Smile Design

3. 3D Simulation:: Using advanced software, a 3D digital smile design simulation is created. This mock-up shows the patient a realistic preview of how their smile will look after the procedure.

4. Customisation: The design is customised to suit the patient's facial features, ensuring a natural and harmonious look.

Test Drive

5. Mock-Up Fabrication: A physical mock-up of the proposed smile design is created using a temporary material. This can be placed over the patient's teeth to give a tangible sense of the final result.

6. Evaluation: The patient can "test drive" the smile by wearing the mock-up. Adjustments can be made based on the patient's feedback to ensure satisfaction with the appearance and feel.

Final Planning and Treatment

7. Treatment Plan: Once the patient approves the design, a detailed treatment plan is developed, outlining the steps, timeline, and cost.

8. Porcelain Veneers:: High-quality porcelain veneers are crafted to match the approved design. These are then bonded to the patient's teeth with precision.

9. Follow-Up: Post-treatment follow-up appointments ensure the patient is happy with the results and that the veneers are functioning well.

This meticulous process ensures that patients achieve their desired smile with confidence and satisfaction, guided by the expertise of Dr. Leila Haywood and Dr. Jess Dang.