Dental bridges
A bridge replaces missing or lost teeth by adding a false tooth and suspending this from the natural teeth on either side of the space. Crowns are made to fit on the natural teeth adjacent to the space, to hold the bridge in place, which are all joined together. A bridge can restore lost teeth, support remaining teeth and help keep your teeth in their proper position and bite.
If you have a missing tooth bridge work may be right for you. This long term solution can help prevent the cycle of problems that occur when just one tooth is missing, such as shifting and drifting of the remaining teeth, which can lead to decay and periodontal bone loss.
A bridge is fixed permanently in the mouth and can not be taken out of the mouth. Therefore, it offers comfort and confidence whilst smiling, talking and eating all types of food. This procedure usually takes two to three appointments to complete. A bridge requires a specialised type of floss, called Superfloss to clean underneath it, and regular dental checks and professional cleaning. The lifespan of a bridge is generally 10 years, however with careful monitoring and diligent care, we hope that it will last longer.
We ask if patients would like to consider an implant if they lose a tooth, especially if the teeth either side of the gap caused by the missing tooth, are in good condition.