At Brisbane Smile Boutique, your smile is designed for an aesthetically beautiful and functional end result using clear aligner technology to straighten your teeth.
More than 15 million people around the world have used Invisalign® as the clear choice for straightening their teeth.
Invisalign® consists of a series of nearly invisible, removable aligners that you change every week for a new set. Each aligner is individually manufactured for your teeth only. As you replace each aligner, your teeth will move - little by little, week by week - until they have straightened to the final position. Patients wear them for 22 hours a day and remove them to eat, drink and clean their teeth.
Invisalign® at Brisbane Smile Boutique can be used to treat a wide variety of issues, including overcrowded teeth, widely spaced teeth, cross bites and overbites.
Dr Leila Haywood and Dr Jessica Dang are Invisalign® accredited doctors with clinical software and scanners, for careful and predictable planning and results.
Fees for Invisalign range from $4000 to $12000 depending on the complexity of the case.
If you have spaces between your teeth because of missing teeth, genetics, or teeth that are too narrow for the jaw, Invisalign at Brisbane Smile Boutique can help. By closing gaps with clear aligners, certain movements are achieved so as you make your way through the series, your teeth will shift bit by bit until the spaces are gone and your teeth are aligned correctly.
Invisalign works well for creating space so that the teeth can shift to their ideal places. Crowding happens when there is not enough room in the jaw to fit all of the teeth, and they can become twisted, overlap or stick out causing misalignment, and tooth wear and jaw pain in some cases. It is usually caused by an imbalance in the tooth to jaw size relationship. Crowded teeth are harder to clean, which can result in tooth decay and gum disease.
An overjet, is when the top teeth stick out too far in front of the bottom teeth and leaves the top front teeth susceptible to injury. An overbite can lead to uneven wear and jaw pain, which can be corrected with Invisalign by programming the aligners to shift protruding teeth into their proper places.
An underbite is when the bottom teeth are in front of the top teeth when your mouth is closed. It is usually skeletal where the lower jaw is larger than the upper jaw and too far forward. An underbite can make it difficult to chew and can result in uneven wear of the teeth, and jaw pain. If an underbite is not too severe, there is a chance that aligners can improve your smile and bite.
A crossbite is when some of the bottom teeth sit in front of some of the top teeth, and you can have a back crossbite or a front crossbite depending on which teeth are involved. Sometimes people compensate for a crossbite by shifting their jaw to one side, which can lead to permanent changes in facial structure and tooth positions. If not treated, a crossbite can cause teeth to wear down and may lead to jaw pain. Invisalign can often work to correct some crossbites, related to tooth position.
An open bite is when the top and bottom teeth do not touch when the mouth is closed, which makes it hard to bite into foods or to chew properly, and often leads to uneven wear and tear on the teeth, and jaw pain. Tooth movement with aligners can help with open bite correction.