Posts in dental assistant
What are the causes for pain on biting

Pain when biting on a tooth, also known as occlusal pain, can be caused by various dental issues. It's essential to identify the underlying cause of the pain in order to address it appropriately.

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How to become a Dental Assistant

Dental assistants play a crucial role in dental practices, supporting dentists and ensuring smooth patient care. If you're interested in pursuing a career as a dental assistant in Queensland, Australia, this guide will walk you through the steps, job requirements, pay rates, and different roles within the dental field for dental assistants.

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Why do I still have a baby molar tooth?

Retained second molar deciduous teeth, also known as retained primary second molars or retained baby molars, refer to a dental condition where the primary (baby) second molars do not naturally fall out as they should when the permanent second molars are ready to erupt. This condition can occur and present unique dental challenges

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