What are the causes for pain on biting

Pain when biting on a tooth, also known as occlusal pain, can be caused by various dental issues. It's essential to identify the underlying cause of the pain in order to address it appropriately. Here are some common reasons for pain when biting on a tooth:

1. Tooth Decay (Cavities): One of the most common reasons for pain when biting is tooth decay. Cavities can weaken the tooth's structure, and when pressure is applied during biting or chewing, it can cause discomfort or sharp pain.

2. Fractured or Cracked Tooth: A cracked or fractured tooth can result from trauma, biting on hard objects, or wear and tear. Biting down on a cracked tooth can trigger pain, especially when the crack extends into the tooth's inner layers.

3. Worn Tooth Enamel: Over time, tooth enamel can wear down due to factors like teeth grinding (bruxism) or abrasive toothbrushing. When the protective enamel layer is eroded, the underlying dentin can become exposed, leading to sensitivity and pain when biting.

4. Dental Fillings or Restorations: Sometimes, dental fillings or other restorations (e.g., crowns or bridges) can become damaged or develop defects over time. This can lead to pain when biting, as the restoration may no longer fit or function properly.

5. Gum Disease (Periodontal Disease): Advanced gum disease can cause gum recession and expose the tooth's root surface. Biting on an exposed root can be painful and result in sensitivity.

6. Infected Tooth Pulp: If tooth decay or a dental injury reaches the inner pulp of the tooth, it can become infected and painful. Biting down can exacerbate the discomfort.

7. Abscess or Dental Infection: An abscess or dental infection can develop within or around the tooth. This condition is often accompanied by severe pain when biting and may require prompt treatment to prevent further complications.

8. Impacted Wisdom Tooth: If a wisdom tooth (third molar) is impacted (unable to fully erupt), it can cause pain and discomfort, especially when biting in the area.

9. Orthodontic Issues: Sometimes, orthodontic treatment can lead to temporary discomfort or pain when biting as the teeth are moved into their correct positions. This is typically part of the adjustment process and tends to subside.

10. Sinus Infection: In some cases, pain perceived as coming from a tooth when biting may actually be due to a sinus infection or sinusitis, where pressure in the sinus cavities can affect the upper teeth.

If you are experiencing pain when biting on a tooth, it's crucial to seek dental care promptly. A dentist can conduct a thorough examination, including X-rays and diagnostic tests, to determine the cause of the pain. Treatment options will depend on the underlying issue and may include dental fillings, restorations, root canal therapy, antibiotics for infections, or other interventions as needed to relieve the pain and restore oral health. Ignoring the pain could lead to further complications, so early diagnosis and treatment are essential.