Posts in dentist near me
What is Q Script in Queensland for dentists and doctors

In Queensland, Australia, the QScript system is a real-time prescription monitoring program designed to improve patient safety by helping healthcare providers, including doctors and pharmacists, manage and monitor the prescription and dispensing of certain high-risk medications. The primary goal of QScript is to prevent prescription drug misuse, abuse, and diversion, ultimately safeguarding patients' health and well-being.

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What is a dental pulp

The dental pulp is the innermost part of a tooth, located in the central chamber known as the pulp chamber or pulp cavity. It consists of soft connective tissue, blood vessels, nerves, and cells. The dental pulp plays a crucial role in the health and vitality of a tooth.

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Why do I get cavities when I look after my teeth well

Experiencing a high rate of tooth decay despite regular brushing can be frustrating and concerning. Several factors may contribute to a higher susceptibility to cavities, even when practicing good oral hygiene

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