What is gum recession?

Gum recession is a common dental problem where the gum tissue surrounding the teeth pulls back or wears away, exposing the roots of the teeth. This process can occur slowly over time, with the gums receding inch by inch, or it can happen rapidly over a week or two.

There are various reasons why gum recession occurs. One of the main causes is poor oral hygiene. If you don't brush and floss your teeth regularly, plaque builds up along the gumline and causes inflammation, which can lead to gum recession. Other factors that can trigger gum recession include aggressive brushing, gum disease, smoking or tobacco use, hormonal changes, teeth grinding, and genetics.

The symptoms of gum recession vary depending on the stage and severity of the condition. At first, you may only notice that your teeth look longer than usual or that you have exposed roots. As the recession progresses, you may experience increased sensitivity, tooth decay, or even tooth loss. In extreme cases, gum surgery may be required to restore the health and appearance of your gums.

Luckily, gum recession can be prevented by simple oral care habits. Brushing and flossing daily, using a soft-bristled toothbrush and a gentle brushing motion, are essential for removing plaque and keeping gums healthy. Regular dental cleanings can also help remove tartar in hard-to-reach areas of your mouth.

Overall, gum recession is a treatable condition that can be prevented with good oral hygiene practices. With regular dental checkups and proper care, you can maintain healthy gums and a beautiful smile.

Leila Haywood