Brisbane Smile Boutique Dentists

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Pregnancy and dental health


Dental care is safe and essential during pregnancy and is not a reason to delay preventive care, and dental treatment.

Treatment for acute infection or sources of infection should be provided at any stage of pregnancy.

If there is any doubt, we are able to coordinate with your prenatal medical provider

Delay in necessary treatment could cause unforeseen harm to the mother and possibly to the foetus

It might seem like something that is low down on the priority list, but dental health has a big impact on your overall health, which in turn influences the health of your baby, so it is as important as ever to maintain a good dental health routine throughout your pregnancy, and ongoingly.

Some will say that calcium leaches from your teeth to the baby, and  that for every baby you have you should lose a tooth, and that just is not true.  With correct dental home care, going to the dentist is a priority in healthcare before, during and after your pregnancy.

Hormonal changes in pregnancy can exaggerate problems in your gums, and by maintaining regular check-ups and cleanings, you can keep on track with any issues that require attention, to ensure  yours and your baby's optimal health

Food cravings happen to many women during pregnancy, and if there is an inclination to the sweet end of things, try to limit the sugary snacks and be mindful of healthier options such as fresh fruit with natural or Greek yoghurt, wherever possible.

For morning sickness, vomit is very highly acidic and can cause irreversible damage to your teeth. It's best to rinse out with water, and if you feel up to it, each an acid neutralising food, like hard cheese. Wait an hour or so  before brushing your teeth, because the enamel can be stripped away the rest of the tooth by softening this protective coating of your teeth, leaving them more vulnerable to decay and sensitivity. 

Maintaining your usual dental health routine is so important when you’re pregnant since hormonal fluctuations create an increased susceptibility to gum inflammation and infections. Some women develop “pregnancy gingivitis”, where the gums swell and are more sensitive and bleed during home dental care routines. Your dentist is able to keep a close eye on your gums and help you manage the condition, and with appropriate care it will usually resolve after you have your baby.